Monday, 16 November 2015

Week 5 Nov 2-6

Materials we went over this week:
The Industrial Revolution
The idea of Classical Liberalism
Capitalism (Free-Market)

Work done in class:
Explanation of Capitalism Sheet, Grants an explanation of capitalism and how it work.
Video of The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, Showed everything wrong with the building and how exactly the fire happened and the consequences.

Classical Liberalism: A political ideology that values the freedom of individuals, including the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and markets, as well as limited government. It developed in 18th-century Europe and drew on the economic writings of Adam Smith and the growing notion of social progress.

Industrial Revolution: The process of change from an agrarian, handicraft economy to one dominated by industry and machine manufacture. This process began in England in the 18th century and from there spread to other parts of the world.

Capitalism (Free-Market): A system of economics based on the private ownership of capital and production inputs, and on the production of goods and services for profit. The production of goods and services is based on supply and demand in the general market (market economy), rather than through central planning (planned economy). Capitalism is generally characterized by competition between producers. Generally with little to no involvement from the government. A free market has some positives and negatives.
Positives: There is a better production from private companies, companies can provide competition for other businesses, increased wealth.

Negatives: There is a higher chance of companies starting a monopoly

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire: A massive fire which could have easily been avoided if the owners put in proper safety methods. It was a true sweatshop, employing young immigrant women who worked in a cramped space at lines of sewing machines. Nearly all the workers were teenaged girls who did not speak English and made only about $15 per week working 12 hours a day, every day. In 1911, there were four elevators with access to the factory floors, but only one was fully operational and the workers had to file down a long, narrow corridor in order to reach it. There were two stairways down to the street, but one was locked from the outside to prevent stealing and the other only opened inward. The fire escape was so narrow that it would have taken hours for all the workers to use it, even in the best of circumstances.

Invisible Hand: The invisible hand refers to the self-regulating nature of the marketplace in determining how resources are allocated based on individuals acting in their own self-interest.


Changing Adam Smith Quotes, A worksheet where we had to change things Adam Smith said in 1776 to a more common, up to date speech.

Concepts Learned:

A basic understanding of capitalism, and how it affects the economy.

How the economy works.

The dangers of capitalism.

Created by Nick Dunbar, posted by B.Plastow

Works Cited

"Capitalism Definition | Investopedia." Investopedia. N.p., 18 Nov. 2003. Web. 10 Nov. 2015. <>.
"" Definition of Classical Liberalism. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2015. <>.
"Fire Kills 145 at Triangle Shirtwaist Factory." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2015. <>.
"Industrial Revolution." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2015. <>.

"Invisible Hand." Definition & Example. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2015. <>.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

October 26-30 2015

Material we went over this week:
  • Analyzed three sources in class
  • Defined status quo  and anarchy
  • Discussed Karl Marx
  • Did unit 2 (chapter 1-2) test on October 30th

Work  done in class:
  • Analyzed two quotes and a cartoon in preparation of the test.  
  • Status quo- To keep things the way they are currently.
  • Anarchy- the absence of government, complete individual freedom.
  • Karl Marx is known as the father of communism, he is an extreme revolutionary and believes that violence can solve issues, he is far left on the spectrum.

  • Which is more significant in shaping your identity, nationalism or ideology? (Wrote a brief paragraph stating whether nationalism or ideology is more important in forming your identity.)
  • Created your own ideology (In order to sum up what we learned about ideologies we created our own and placed them on a spectrum in order to connect them to other ideologies)

I believe everything we worked on this week majorly helped in preparing for our exam Friday as well as the writing assignment is helping improve our writing skills. Analyzing the cartoons and writing the paragraph on Ideology/Nationalism will also be beneficial for other writing assignments as well as the diploma.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Main topics discussed this week?

  • Tommy Douglas
  • Economic Spectrum
  • Political Spectrum

Some Questions that got answered this Week
  • What is a spectrum?- A spectrum is used to classify something, oer suggests that it can be classified in terms of its position on a scale between two extreme or opposite points.
  • Who is Tommy Douglas?-He's a Canadian politician, Who brought universal health care to Canada.
  • What kind of things did Tommy bring to Saskatchewan?- He built roads, allowed women in bars, paid vacation, built sewers and got paid vacations. He also put in electricity all around Saskatchewan and came up with the human bill of rights which is close to the charter of rights and freedoms we have today.

I believe that understanding the different elements of a economic and political spectrum will greatly benefit us throughout this course. And that we need to understand the difference between the two but remembering that the right and left end of  these spectrum's can work together to help make up one's view. Keeping in mind that the political spectrum = change.

Additional Resource

Sunday, 18 October 2015

We studied these main topics this week:

  1. We learned that ideologies are systems of beliefs and values
  2. Different circumstances and factors influence your ideology 
  3. Two basic ideologies are Individualism and Collectivism 
Principles of Individualism:

  • Rule of law
  • Individual rights and freedoms
  • Private property
  • Economic freedom
  • Self-interest
  • Competition

Principles of Collectivism:

  • Economic equality
  • Cooperation
  • Public property
  • Collective interest
  • Collective responsibility
  • Adherence to collective norms

I believe knowing the factors that contribute to Individualism and Collectivism will benefit you for future reference.  I think knowing where you are on the spectrum, right (individualism) or left (collectivism) will give you an advantage in the future for assignments and tests.


"Are humans Inherently good or evil" essay

Additional Resource:

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

October 5-9

Main Topics

We studied these main topics this week:

~Ideology; a collection/system of beliefs and ideas.
-What are humans like?
-What is the nature of society?
-What is our role in society?

Examples of an ideology:

  • Liberalism
  • Communism
  • Environmentalism
  • Conservatism
  • Anarchism
  • Capitalism
  • Egalitarianism
  • Totalitarianism
  • Feminism

I believe understanding the concept of what an ideology is as well as knowing one main ideology such as liberalism, is the most important thing we need to know because our 30-1 unit is based on ideologies. Without knowing what an ideology is, one would be lost in social 30.

~ SBQ #1
~ Begin research on "Are humans inherently good or evil?" for next weeks essay

Additional Resource

Image result for ideology

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Blogging Example- September 28- October 2

Main Topics:

We studied the following topics this week:
  • We continued to look at the influence of the American Revolution on American Identity
  • We learned how John Locke influenced the founders of the United States
  • Locke was an English Philosopher who believed:
    • People had natural rights (life, liberty and property
    • Revolution is an obligation if the ruler is abusing his subjects
    • People could be trusted to participate in decision making for the country (democracy?)
  • We also learned about the concept of Contending Loyalties and the problems people face when they have ties to more than one nation.  
  • We looked at the issues of Contending Loyalties  and Quebec (ie Conscription in WWI)
  • Pluralism and Reasonable Accommodation were vocabulary terms we studied

I think the information on Thomas Locke was the most important.  This seems to be information that is not specific to a single event and we may need to use it other contexts.  It seems that his ideas are part of the foundation modern democracy is based on.


Our Artifact assignment is Due Tuesday, October 6

We have our Unit one exam on Friday October 2

Additional resource:

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Blogging Schedule

Here is our blogging schedule.  Because of some short weeks and holidays I had to double some people up.  Please plan accordingly.

Week 1 Oct 5 -9  Tyra C
Week 2 Oct 12-16  Jayda A
Week 3 Oct 19-23  Kaylin B
Week 4 Oct 26-30 Morgan D and Nicole T
Week 5 Nov 2-6 Nick D
Week 6 Nov 16-20 Chris G
Week 7 Nov 23-27 Shauna Hand Alex W
Week 8 Nov 30- Dec 4  Alysha H
Week 9 Dec 7-Dec 11 Chloe H
Week 10 Dec 14-Dec 18 Orzalo J
Week 11 Jan 4- Jan 8  Kearra L
Week 12 Jan 11- Jan 15  Aisha Z
Week 13 Jan 18- Jan 22 Kallie L
Week 14 Feb 1-Feb 5 Brittany L and Marokh Z
Week 15 Feb 22-25 Shivam P
Week 16 Feb 29-Mar4 Alexes R
Week 17 Mar 7- Mar11 Caden S and Easton L
Week 18 Mar 14- Mar 18 Kristina S
Week 19 Mar 21-Mar 23 Kalena S
Week 20 Apr 4- Apr 8 Aly S

Let me know ASAP if something needs to be resceduled.

What is the purpose of this classroom blog?

Social 30-1 is a course that requires lots of review. This will important as we approach April and the Diploma Exam. The purpose of this class blog is to provide you with a comprehensive review of the course by providing a week by week summary of what was learned. This will also be of value for any student who misses some time due to a variety of reasons

To accomplish this, each of you with author one blog post that summarizes an assigned week (you will given a schedule). Each blog post will have three components

Component One:  Each post will provide answers to these questions:
  • What were the main topics covered this week?  Provide a brief description of each.
  • Which of the topics was the most important?  Explain why.
  • What assignments were assigned and when are they due?
Component Two: Each post will provide some form of media (image, video, digital article, etc) that demonstrates understanding of one of the week’s topics.  The student will provide a brief justification of their choice.

Component Three: Students will have the opportunity to ask questions.  Each student will be most responsible for answering/moderating those questions.  Other students are welcome to answer questions as well.

Evaluation: This activity will be summatively assessed using the following rubric.

Excellent (5)
Satisfactory (3)
Limited (2)
Poor (1)
Answering of set questions
You summarized the week with detailed and indepth description.  You have a sophisticated understanding of the material
You did a very good job summarizing the week. You have sound understanding of the material
Your summary of the week is adequate.  You covered the basics.
You summary is missing some of the main elements.  You cover some of the basics but not all
Your summary is inadequate and is missing most of the main points of the week
Additional Media
Your choice of media enhances the learning of others.  It shows you have deep understanding
Your choice of media is sound and shows good understanding
Your choice of media is sufficient.  It shows that you get the general idea of this week’s topics.
Your choice of media is not really on topic.  Connection to the material is not made
Your choice of media is is inadequate and does not demonstrate comprehension of the topics.

Your thoughts and ideas were communicated in a sophisticated manner.  The relative absence of errors is impressive
Your thoughts and ideas were communicated well in an easy to read manner
Your thoughts and ideas were clear.  You had some errors and the quality of communication was adequate
You had some difficulty with communicating your thoughts and ideas.  Errors made it difficult to understand
Errors impeded understanding of your thoughts and ideas.

Total Score: /15 marks