Thursday 1 October 2015

Blogging Example- September 28- October 2

Main Topics:

We studied the following topics this week:
  • We continued to look at the influence of the American Revolution on American Identity
  • We learned how John Locke influenced the founders of the United States
  • Locke was an English Philosopher who believed:
    • People had natural rights (life, liberty and property
    • Revolution is an obligation if the ruler is abusing his subjects
    • People could be trusted to participate in decision making for the country (democracy?)
  • We also learned about the concept of Contending Loyalties and the problems people face when they have ties to more than one nation.  
  • We looked at the issues of Contending Loyalties  and Quebec (ie Conscription in WWI)
  • Pluralism and Reasonable Accommodation were vocabulary terms we studied

I think the information on Thomas Locke was the most important.  This seems to be information that is not specific to a single event and we may need to use it other contexts.  It seems that his ideas are part of the foundation modern democracy is based on.


Our Artifact assignment is Due Tuesday, October 6

We have our Unit one exam on Friday October 2

Additional resource:

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