Wednesday, 4 November 2015

October 26-30 2015

Material we went over this week:
  • Analyzed three sources in class
  • Defined status quo  and anarchy
  • Discussed Karl Marx
  • Did unit 2 (chapter 1-2) test on October 30th

Work  done in class:
  • Analyzed two quotes and a cartoon in preparation of the test.  
  • Status quo- To keep things the way they are currently.
  • Anarchy- the absence of government, complete individual freedom.
  • Karl Marx is known as the father of communism, he is an extreme revolutionary and believes that violence can solve issues, he is far left on the spectrum.

  • Which is more significant in shaping your identity, nationalism or ideology? (Wrote a brief paragraph stating whether nationalism or ideology is more important in forming your identity.)
  • Created your own ideology (In order to sum up what we learned about ideologies we created our own and placed them on a spectrum in order to connect them to other ideologies)

I believe everything we worked on this week majorly helped in preparing for our exam Friday as well as the writing assignment is helping improve our writing skills. Analyzing the cartoons and writing the paragraph on Ideology/Nationalism will also be beneficial for other writing assignments as well as the diploma.

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