Wednesday 16 March 2016

Blog Page Info. from January 4-8 2016

At this Point we were learning about the Cold War

Stalin- Premier of Soviet Socialist Republics “ big three”
Hitler- Leader of Germany and soldier group called the Nazis
Roosevelt- President of United States “big three”
Churchill- Leader of Britain “ big three”
Soviet Union- Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania

In February 1945, the “big three” met in yalta to plan the second world war, take precautionary/ emergency actions for their countries and redraw the map of europe

United states and the Soviet Union were considered “ superpowers”  Superpowers are states that have great influence and power as well as, great economic and military strength

Hitler invaded both Russia and Poland and by 1945 had more power than the Soviet Union and United States

Key Words :
Spheres of Influence : You have your circle, I have mine, You stay out of my circle and we won’t have any issues
Brinkmanship : Like a big game of chicken Keep pushing and pushing until someone breaks
Detente : MAjor power tried to release tension among countries and other powers - like mom trying to get siblings to get along on a bad day
Deterrence : Mutually assured destruction  
Containment : Stopping the spread of communism
Expansionism: Political and Military Policy of taking over additional territory

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