January 11-15
Main topics we covered this week in class:
-Reviewed The Cuban Missile Crisis
-Review on Brinkmanship
-The Korean War:
The Korean war started in 1950 between North Korea and South Korea as a civil war which soon became international. June 1950 is when North Korea (who was supplied and advised by the Soviet union), invaded South Korea. Later on the United Nations and the US joined the war as supporters of South Korea. The People's Republic of China also joined the war but they came in as North Korea's aid. The war ended in 1953 with following negotiations in 1954 stating that they would return to the “status quo ante bellum” (the way things were before the war), that left Korea still divided into two states and brought the cold war into Asia.
Other work done in class
-watched Defcon 2 documentary
-watched Cold War on ice documentary
-Cold War Conundrums:
For this assignment you had to choose one of seven Cold war problems and perspectives and
define the root causes of the problem. Once that was done you had to create as many solutions to that problem as you could then select one solution to the problem. Then you had to research and find out what solution was actually used.
Additional Resources